connective tissue

noun, Anatomy
a tissue, usually of mesoblastic origin, that connects, supports, or surrounds other tissues, organs, etc.
Examples from the web for connective tissue
  • It is used as the connective tissue, for many the basic webbing upon which all sentences are formed.
  • When the muscles and connective tissue have been compromised, the strap can hold the joint stable.
  • Mouse connective tissue, which forms a platform for the cells to grow on, resembles long grains of rice.
  • Females have thick padding on their reproductive tract that's reinforced with strong, elastic connective tissue.
  • Normal skeletons collapse into piles of loose bones if the flesh and connective tissue that joined them in life are removed.
  • Gelatin is a protein derived from collagen, the major component of the connective tissue of animals.
  • Fibroblasts are connective tissue cells found all around the body, probably taken out of reindeer by biopsy.
  • These fibrils are probably of the same nature, chemically, as the white fibers of connective tissue.
  • Here they meet and become joined to one another by connective tissue, but there is never any fusion of the thymus tissue proper.
  • Epithelial cells give rise to the outer enamel, while mesenchymal cells form a tooth's inner connective tissue and blood vessels.
British Dictionary definitions for connective tissue

connective tissue

an animal tissue developed from the embryonic mesoderm that consists of collagen or elastic fibres, fibroblasts, fatty cells, etc, within a jelly-like matrix. It supports organs, fills the spaces between them, and forms tendons and ligaments
connective tissue in Medicine

connective tissue con·nec·tive tissue (kə-něk'tĭv)
The supporting or framework tissue of the body, arising chiefly from the embryonic mesoderm and including collagenous, elastic and reticular fibers, adipose tissue, cartilage, and bone. Also called interstitial tissue.

connective tissue in Science
connective tissue
Tissue that connects, supports, binds, or encloses the structures of the body. Connective tissues are made up of cells embedded in an extracellular matrix and include bones, cartilage, mucous membranes, fat, and blood.
connective tissue in Culture

connective tissue definition

Body tissue that serves to connect or support other tissues or parts. Cartilage, tendons, and bone are all kinds of connective tissue.